Followed by part 1 of the article on teaching and learning English for toddlers at home. Part 2 we will talk more about the methods that parents can apply to help with English language review at home.

1. Making English lessons for toddlers interesting (continued):

teaching English to toddlers

Making your children English lesson more active

Bring your child’s classroom to nature

Have you tried an outdoor lesson before? If not, then what they can learn outdoors will amaze you. If you have no idea where to start? For parents, here are a few brilliant tips.

  • Keywords hunting:

    This is a game that promotes the agility and movement of your toddlers. In your backyard, you can conceal flashcards linked to newly learned vocabulary. There could be parents in the yard who live in an apartment. The job of the kids is to run and search certain keywords. To build a more thrilling atmosphere for the kids, parents should adjust the rules of the game.

  • Treasure hunting: 

    Parents will give children little hints around a certain outdoor area to solve a “case”. You can let your children participate in the game with their friends. They can spend a lot of time collecting clues and giving you results.

And there are some more interesting outdoor learning activities that you can apply when teaching English to toddlers.

2. Make the class become more active:

In addition to being happy, children also love to move and be active. In fact, Dr. Maria Montessori thinks that young children learn better when they have the chance to be active. At the same time, that would be good for language learning as well. The more students move, the faster they will understand the lesson and the easier it is to remember the lesson.

Here are a few games that parents can use for their preschoolers English lessons:

  • Mini world game:

    Your baby will be tasked with collecting the illustrations in the book. If your baby is learning about an animal that day, he or she can search for pictures of the animal. Then they will continue to tell the story or create a story for the illustration they found. Let your baby imagine those objects in the real world and tell their own story.

  • Mystery Bag:

    This game will target students’ touch directly. Parents will put various objects related to the lesson in a dark bag. Babies will not see anything but describe what they are feeling.

  • Jenga discussion:

    Instead of giving your children a long list of questions to discuss on paper. Write each question on a Jenga (the block to form a cylinder). Then ask your child to answer the question about the block they have chosen.

teaching English to toddlers

3. Don’t put pressure on your children when teaching English to toddlers:

One of the most important things to remember for parents is to avoid putting pressure on their kids. Because when children are young, they will always be able to learn some parts of a language faster than adults. So, your children will always be ready in their own ways.

Young children’s natural learning process will follow three simple steps.

  • Recognize words and grammar as you use them.
  • Can be answered when you ask your toddlers questions about the words and grammar you use.
  • These language constructs can be used by themselves.

You can avoid putting pressure on your children by:

  • There is no need to fix every mistake they make. Focus on what you’ve recently taught and correct those words and structures. But if your toddler still doesn’t understand a specific grammar point, let him learn again (with gentle support from adults). No one can master all English at once.
  • Model the usage of the language. When you hear your baby say something wrong or use an incorrect word, just correct it. Thus, according to the reflex of the natural language learning system, it will automatically fix for the baby the next time.
  • Don’t score everything. Sometimes it is just necessary to review their correct answers. You do not have to rate their ability by scores.
  • Because language is abstract and children are concrete, children may not understand grammar and other language skills and that’s okay. Just keep things happy, be active without pressure, and your little ones will make it better and better.


Read our the part 1 at: Học tiếng anh cho trẻ mẫu giáo – Phương pháp nào là hiệu quả nhất? (Phần 1)

Vietnamese translation: Học tiếng anh cho trẻ mẫu giáo – Phương pháp nào là hiệu quả nhất? (Phần 2)

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Our Mandarin Class



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