RHM News

Have you got bored children? Why Is It Actually Beneficial to Them

Have you got bored children? Why Is It Actually Beneficial to Them Do you have children who are bored at home? Boredom is beneficial to children. Really. This is why. “I’m frustrated.” What should you do if you hear something like this? Is it your responsibility to provide stimulating, enjoyable activities for your children? Yes.…

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Your Comprehensive Guide to Montessori at Home for Infants

Your Comprehensive Guide to Montessori at Home for Infants The Montessori method is child-directed and self-paced.  Take this approach when designing a Montessori infant room for your child’s unique development. Your goal is to guide, not lead, your infant’s development. Provide them with the appropriate Montessori infant environment and watch your child grow. What exactly…

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Montessori’s Approach to Language

Montessori’s Approach to Language Maria Montessori was a firm believer (backed up by scientific evidence) that a child is born with all he needs to acquire language. With that in mind, there are a variety of ways adults can support a young child’s language development, particularly by creating a conducive environment for language learning. At…

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What Is the Importance of “Why, Why, Why?”

What Is the Importance of “Why, Why, Why?” It’s magical to witness a child’s wonder. It’s fascinating to observe a child’s curiosity. It can be exhausting to hear a three-year-old ask as many questions as he or she can in a single vehicle ride. Do you want to tap into more of that positive energy…

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Teaching Social Skills: Seven Points to Consider

Teaching Social Skills: Seven Points to Consider If you ask any parent why preschool is important, you’ll almost certainly hear “socialization” named as one of the top priorities—and with good reason. Social skills development is critical for children, especially during the first six years of life. However, simply “being around” other youngsters is insufficient. Fundamental…

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Discovering Freedom in Routine

Discovering Freedom in Routine “He (the child) lives in a sort of everlasting present. He does not hurry as we do towards the end of the action, because for him the end of the action is the action itself.” —E. M. Standing, Maria Montessori, Her Life and Work Routines, not lesson plans, should be prioritized.…

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Why Circle Time is Important in a Montessori Classroom?

Why Circle Time is Important in a Montessori Classroom A classroom in Montessori is a busy place in the morning. Children participate in self-directed and teacher-leading courses. You work, you are active, you are active and you have time. It’s Circle Time before you know! Circle Time cannot be underestimated in Montessori. Circle time is…

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5 Ways to Raise Self-Assured Children

5 Ways to Raise Self-Assured Children As parents, we want our children to have a strong sense of self-worth that they can build on as they grow older and confront the decisions and challenges that come with becoming healthy, happy, and content adults. Self-assurance is a necessary element in the recipe for a happy existence.…

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The Mixed Age Classroom

The Mixed Age Classroom Montessori education differs from more traditional methods in a variety of ways. Our mixed-age classrooms are one of the most obvious examples. Rather than grouping children by chronological age, our classroom environments include children of various ages. This method is extremely beneficial to us.  But…why? There are numerous advantages to having…

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