Separation anxiety is a common and normal fear of being away from their parents. The behavior you might see when children are separated from parents or care-givers is sometimes called ‘separation protest’.
Separation anxiety can be seen in infants and toddlers. Young children often experience a period of this emotion, but most children outgrow this around 3 years of age. In some children, separation anxiety may continue for longer periods. How we deal with these anxities can help out children.
These anxieties are a normal part of development. Children are starting to move around more at this stage and see major differences to their typical hom routines. Going to school is a great change for children, but often do not feel comfortable because of the change. After a couple weeks, though, they’ll get it and relax.
You can help your child overcome this transition stage by gently encouraging them to gain independence.
From the family environment to the collective life, the huge changes make children inevitably unsuitable and anxious. The children are better able to adapt to group life in the environment of their peers, and their physical and mental will be developed. Parents can actively seek the cooperation to establish a connection between the family and the school, and together help children get rid of the negative effects of “school anxiety” as soon as possible. Parents should adjust their journey of constant letting go, and believe that teacher love is a professional company that does not exceed authority.
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